Solar Eclipse 2009

solar-eclipseTomorrow, July 22, 2009, People across Eastern Asia and India will experience a spectacular natural phenomenon. This will be the longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century that will more likely last for about 6 minutes and 39 seconds.

We recently had a lunar eclipse last July 7 and now this solar eclipse by June 22, to be followed by a lunar eclipse again on August 6. Seems like we are having a lot of natural phenomenon for this year.

General Information
The July 22, 2009, total solar eclipse begins at sunrise in India, and from there the Moon’s shadow zips across eastern Asia. The track crosses China for much of the morning before leaving the mainland near Shanghai. Observers just south of this city will experience nearly 6 minutes of totality. The track then moves out over the Pacific Ocean. Maximum eclipse occurs about 195 miles east of Iwo Jima, where observers will see the Sun disappear for 6 minutes and 39 seconds.

eclipse path

Path of the Total Solar Eclipse 2009

All Local Timings of the partial eclipse in Southeast Asia as provided by NASA:

Singapore – 08:40:51 AM to 09:43:55 AM

Yangon – 06:31:39 AM to 08:35:40 AM

Manila – 08:33:01 AM to 11:01:51 AM

Kuala Lumpur – 07:29:00 AM to 08:48:44 AM

Bangkok – 07:06:48 AM to 09:08:44 AM

Hong Kong
Victoria – 08:14:30 AM to 10:45:56 AM

Ho Chi Minh City – 07:17:28 AM to 09:15:43 AM

Bandar Seri Begawan – 08:48:00 AM to 10:22:56 AM

Phnom Penh – 07:13:58 AM to 09:13:28

I hope to see the “Total Eclipse” one day passing our main land. But I think, I need to count decades before it happens. 😀 Hope you could all see this wonderful natural phenomenon.

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