Run United Philippine Marathon 2013

Here’s another run-related update! I’ve been off my blog for a couple of months because of some personal issues with my schedule. Anyway, here we go!

Race: Run United Philippine Marathon 2013
Distance: 21K
Date: October 6, 2013
Venue: Mall of Asia

The 3rd installment of the Runrio Trilogy took place last week, 6th of October 2013 at the Mall of Asia. Records set a 12,000 strong runners ran the Run United Philippine Marathon 2013. As always, I joined the 21k category. 🙂

RUPM 2014

With lack of training and proper diet, I am not very much excited about this race. I just thought I will just enjoy the run and just listen to my body to prevent injuries. I woke up early to prepare for the race. My brother left earlier than me because he will run his first ever full marathon! And yes! He did ran his first ever marathon! Way to go bro! 🙂

I arrived a little late in the venue than what I expected. So I rushed to get my bags to the baggage counter and ran directly to the 21k starting line to work on some stretching before the race. I managed to fit myself on the 3rd wave and started a little late than the gun start. The same with the previous Runrio races that I joined, I expected the race to be fun, exciting and very well organized. So I just ran and enjoyed myself running. I think this is the first time that ran alone. It is a challenge for me because I always find myself stronger with a running buddy than just running alone.

The race route is almost the same with the previous races that I joined but they change it a little bit. I admit I like this race route better than the previous routes. One of the highlights of RUPM 2013 is the free Active Health Energy Gel that they gave away around the 16km mark. I didn’t try it cause I thought it will be an easy few kilometers left. I know I won’t finish normally than what I used to but its all good. I still had fun and enjoyed the run. When I saw the finish line, I increased my pace so I can finish strong, and I did! I finished with a chip time of 02:55:38, slowly but surely and with no injury! 🙂

On the other hand, my bro finished his first Full Marathon with 06:13:15 chip time. 🙂

Another beautiful medal added to my collection! Bad thing I didn’t get to run the 2nd leg of the trilogy. Till next Trilogy! 🙂

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