V7Network RoundTable – Live Training Chat

V7Network, the most friendliest webmaster community on the internet launched a brilliant idea that I think would be a good benefit to a lot of their members specially those who are just starting their careers and businesses online. It’s been a week I guess since this information has been posted at v7n forums. The live training chat will cover interesting topics about Search Engine Optimization, Online Marketing and Web Development.

Take note that the training is absolutely FREE for v7n members.

v7n RoundTable

Originally Posted by Cricket Walker at V7N:

What: V7Network RoundTable
Where: http://www.v7n.com/chat/
When: Wed Sept 23 at 1:00 pm CST
Discussion: How to identify problem areas on your web site.
Cost: FREE to all V7N members.

I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to introduce the V7Network RoundTable live training chats to the community. These will be structured interactive text chats covering a wide range of topics for webmasters and small business owners, focused 100% on helping our members build a highly successful online presence. At this time, our plan is to offer this training 2-4 times a month based on the response from the community.

Our first live training chat is scheduled for September 23, 2009 at 1:00 pm CST. We will be discussing ways to evaluate your site (and the tools that I personally use) to determine what types of changes you may need to consider making in terms of SEO and marketing techniques. Afterward, we will be opening things up for questions and answers.

If what you are currently doing is working, please do not consider changing a single thing. In fact, you probably don’t need this type of training. If however you find yourself not getting the results that you have hoped for, then perhaps it is time to think about sitting down and spending some time with us at the V7Network RoundTable and see if maybe we can brainstorm through some ideas for you!

We will open the chat area approximately 30 minutes prior to the start of the training session. If you are not already logged in, you will need to log in using your V7N user name and password. I expect the training session to last 1-2 hours, based on the number of member questions.

Sign-up Here if you are not yet a member. 🙂

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