Twitter vs Instagram Infographic

It’s been a couple of months already since the last time I remember viewing Instagram photos on my Twitter feed. I just hate how you should click on the link and open it up on a new tab/window just so you can view the Instagram photo that you want to view. It sucks in my opinion. But as a user, we don’t have any control or say on what these social sites do to their features. It all started last year when Instagram was bought by Facebook. And so the battle continues.

Twitter vs Instagram

Many doomsayers predicted Instagram’s aggressive move would end up hurting both companies, as well as users. But according to a February report by Simply Measured, that’s not so: While Instagram photos shared by brands on Twitter decreased in engagement, brand activity on Facebook and Instagram increased. (via)

Check out the infographic below from the marketing agency DNA that shows the Twitter-Instagram rivalry stats.

Twitter vs Instagram

(via Mashable)

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