Back For Good

It has been weeks since I last posted an update for this blog. And now that I finally finished updating the theme, I guess I should go back to posting updates or whatever I can throw in here for everyone to read. I’ve been planning to update my blog theme and I got no choice but to update it when my previous theme didn’t work for no valid reason and so I needed to take it down and find a replacement theme.

At first, I didn’t like this minimalist template that I am using now because when you try to use a minimalist design for blogs or websites, your content should make up for the minimal design such as graphics, colors, etc. So that means your content should stand-out, in which I think I lack on most of my posts. I just thought I should give it a try and maybe I could come up with some informative and useful posts in the future that could make up for my current blog theme.

And now I think I should be back for good since I got an updated blog theme and a challenge of posting informative, useful and packed content to share with everyone on the internet. Before I forget, you will definitely notice my love for Pandas with the new blog theme. I apologize for the poorly drawn Panda logo on my header and favicon. 🙂 I am not good in drawing freehand specially with Photoshop pencil tool. I’ll try to come up with a better one next time or maybe ask a friend to draw a Panda head logo for me. I hope anyone who reads or stumbles upon this blog will like the minimal colors that I put in here. Black and white for a change.

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