Harry Potter – The Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter The Half Blood PrinceHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was premiered yesterday, July 15, 2009 on all major cinemas here in the Philippines. It will be shown today July 16, in IMAX Mall of Asia for more than a week I guess.

This is one of my favorite book on the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. I find it really interesting because the action and some mysteries for the past books have been revealed here. Voldemort, which we really don’t have any idea where, how and why did he became a Dark Lord was all answered on this book.The story will more likely focus on Voldemort and his connection to Harry. More exciting scenes and revelations awaits for those who only like Harry Potter on the big screen.

With an 80%+ Tomato Meter on Rotten Tomatoes, this movie will surely be worth it!

I plan to watch it on IMAX and I heard some of the scenes are on 3D, so I think that would be more exciting! 😀 I hope this movie will be the best on the Harry Potter series! 😀

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