Current State of Twitter via Infographic


Twitter has becoming more and more popular as days go by. When Twitter was launched, I really didn’t signed up immediately and has no interest at all to try it out. But I thought I should give it a shot and try it. After a week of playing with it, I absolutely enjoyed tweeting and following people that I think would be interesting to follow and get some updates on from time to time. Oh I forgot, follow me on Twitter guys @saimon08.

The infographic below is from Muhammad Saleem, a social media consultant and a top-ranked community member on multiple social news sites. Follow him on Twitter for more social media insights.

While the site’s growth has certainly been impressive and it has reached the point of non-displacement, there are some interesting hidden truths about Twitter and its users. The following graphic takes a look at Twitter’s path to 10 billion tweets, what we have learned about its users and what they’ve been talking about along the way.

Check out the Infograpics below after the cut.

Click on the image to view the actual size.

Current State of Twitter

Credit Source: [Mashable]

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