Google celebrates Philippine Independence 2012

Philippine Independence Day 2012

Today marks the 114th Independence Day of the Philippines celebrated every 12th of June. This years’ theme is called “Kalayaan: Pananagutan ng Bayan para sa Tuwid na Daan.” And just like how the Filipino people celebrate it every year, there are lots of programs and activities across the country. Well …

Old Manila

Here’s a very interesting post that I saw today from GTWM Blog and I was amazed how beautiful Manila was way way back before. I think it’s around 60’s or 70’s. I couldn’t help but re-post it here in my blog. If you guys have seen this one on emails …

The Wrath of Typhoon Ondoy

It’s been a week since I last updated my blog because of this typhoon that hit Manila last September 26, 2009. It is really a very terrible situation that we’ve been through. Many lives are lost as well as cars, houses, businesses and more other stuffs that a super typhoon …